Antoinette Braybrook is an Aboriginal woman who was born on Wurundjeri country. Her grandfather and mother’s line is through the Kuku Yalanji. Antoinette is the CEO of Djirra, a position she has held since the service was established in 2002.
Antoinette is Co-Chair of the Change the Record Campaign with Cheryl Axleby, CEO of the Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement, South Australia, and leads the National FVPLS Forum with Phynea Clarke, CEO of CAAFLU Aboriginal Corporation from the Northern Territory and Wynetta Dewis CEO of Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Legal Service (QIFVLS), Queensland. The National FVPLS Forum is the peak body for 14 Family Violence Prevention Legal services throughout Australia.
Antoinette seeks to give voice and visibility to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who experience family violence. She is a strong advocate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community control, and self-determination.