Master of Leadership in Organisational Learning (Monash University)
Graduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Swinburne University)
Graduate Diploma of Computing Studies (RMIT University)
Myers Briggs Type Instrument (MBTI) Step I, Step II, Team Management Profile (TMP), Life Orientations (LIFO), Accelerated Learning, Mayer Salovey Caruso, Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i), Executive Coaching Levels 1 & II (IECL), Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP).
Areas of Specialisation
Management and Leadership Development, Team Development, Executive Coaching, Bespoke learning programmes.
Paul has been facilitating and coaching in Leadership Development for over 20 years. Prior to joining the WLA Group, he was a Senior Consultant within Royal Dutch Shell, facilitating advanced leadership development and organisational change programmes globally. This was preceded by a successful career in IT, involving a progression of operational, technical, management and leadership roles.
Paul has worked with hundreds of leaders and aspiring leaders and has broad experience across a variety of sectors including Health, Manufacturing, Education, Law, Mining, Marketing, Not for Profit, Distribution, Construction, Retail, Energy, Utilities, Government, HR, Finance, IT and other specialised services. As a leadership consultant, he has helped thousands of individuals across many countries, at all organisational levels, to become skilled leaders who create and sustain positive change in their organisations. He has designed many public and bespoke programmes and is a skilled facilitator and coach. He has also trained others to become skilled facilitators themselves.
Paul has coached in excess of 300 clients accumulating over 1,200 hours of coaching experience and facilitated leadership development for over 7,000 participants globally for local and international organisations.
Previous/Current Clients
Royal Dutch Shell, Uni of Melbourne, Queanbeyan, Australian Minerals and Energy Skills Alliance Ltd, Melbourne Catholic Education, Australian Capital Territory Principals Association.